© 2024 Scheidt Commercial Realty LLC

NAR Commercial Real Estate Market Report – MAY 2024
The commercial real estate (CRE) market entered the second quarter of the year with persistently rising vacancy rates and slowing rent growth across most market sectors
June 11, 2024/by Nikki Venter
NAR Commercial Real Estate Market Insights October 2023
In the final quarter, there is usually the opportunity to end a year and start the next year strong. Although the third quarter of the year has already ended, there is still much uncertainty in the market since the Federal Reserve continues its tightening monetary policy.
January 5, 2024/by BFE216
Indy Star Writeup About Randy’s MIBOR Work
On March 1st, 2022, Indy Star article about Randy's work as a Part of MIBOR REALTOR® Association, an organization that works to help central Indiana's homeless find safe, permanent housing.
March 2, 2022/by BFE216
Randy receives the 2020, 2021 & 2022 NAR Commercial Award
Randy is honored to receive the NAR 2021 Commercial Award for his leadership chairing MIBOR Economic & Community Development Council.
December 16, 2021/by BFE216
Area Realtors Give Back to Revitalize Shelbyville Park
The MIBOR ECDC along with the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), awarded the city of Shelbyville, Indiana with an $11,500 Placemaking grant to create a linear park, behind the historic Porter Center.
September 1, 2021/by BFE216
Ulrich Block: New Ownership and Website
In May of 2021, Randy and investment partner Scott Owens purchased the Ulrich Block building in Columbus, Indiana, after leasing and managing the commercial property for nearly forty years.
July 31, 2021/by BFE216
Tracking the Impact of COVID on the Commercial Real Estate Market
The commercial real estate market continues to feel the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent statistics about the CRE market for the National Association of Realtors.
November 10, 2020/by 2mpiy
Randy named 2020 REALTOR® of the Year
On September 24th, 2020, Randy Scheidt was honored to be chosen as 2020 REALTOR® of the Year By The Indiana Association of REALTORS®.
September 25, 2020/by 2mpiy
Redefining Adaptive Reuse
Adaptive Reuse projects have become popular, competing effectively with new construction. What is Adaptive Reuse, and what will it take to enable further growth and investment potential?
June 12, 2020/by 2mpiy