Randy named 2020 REALTOR® of the Year!
On September 24th, 2020, Randy Scheidt was honored to be chosen as 2020 REALTOR® of the Year By The Indiana Association of REALTORS®. He was selected by a committee of fellow Indiana REALTORS®, from a field of 19 nominees. Randy is the first REALTOR® from the Indiana Commercial Board of REALTORS® to receive this award.
Watch as family, friends, and colleagues pay tribute to and introduce the 2020 Indiana REALTOR® of the Year, Randy Scheidt (or read the transcript below.)
My dad, Randy Scheidt is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about all things real estate. But I think one of the things that might make him best at his job,Is something our family likes to make fun of him for. And that is, he cannot go anywhere, without meeting everyone. On an airplane, standing in line, at a restaurant, It doesn’t matter. He will go to any length to get to know those around him and exchange contact information. In Randy‘s world, there are no strangers.
—Katie Scheidt, daughter
You’ve obviously had a long and successful career. I’m so happy you are receiving this honor, as I know you’ve worked so hard your entire career. And so I when I think about some of the things you’ve taught me, in terms ofHow you approach your work, for sure it would be having a strong work ethic, showing passion, and having that entrepreneurial spirit in what you do, and obviously good leadership skills. And thank you again for all the countless career advice you have given me as my career has grown.
— Leslie Weiby, daughter
I have always admired your passion and dedication to your career. It’s funny because, you actually told me once that it doesn’t even feel like it’s work because it’s what you’re passionate about. And, I truly believe that it is that passion that has made you so successful over the years, because you simply care so much about what you do. So without further ado, I am super excited to say congratulations dad You are the 2020 Indiana realtor of the year.
—Emily Scheidt, daughter
You have an extremely good work ethic. You show up daily and do what needs to be done. I think you’re not afraid to push yourself, both professionally and personally. I think you’ve instilled that in me and my sisters. I think you’ve been a terrific example of a role model and leader. You’re Someone who would do the work, and would never ask someone to do something that you didn’t believe in, or wouldn’t do yourself. Lastly, you have faith in the process and have been able to stay humble along the way. That’s kept you driven. And to be able to see someone do that continually day in and day out, while still putting your family first, and while still doing all these things is truly inspiring. All that’s just cultivated into making you someone who I am extremely proud to call my father. I love you and I am again so excited for you.
—Todd Scheidt, son
Thank you so much for everything you’ve done on behalf of the industry. You make our job so easy, and keep that realtor voice booming as you move forward in the year to come. Congratulations again Randy. It’s not only an honor to work with you and be a colleague, but also an honor to call myself your friend.
—Maggie McShane, senior Vice President of Government Affairs, Indiana Association of Realtors
Randy service record demonstrates his commitment to the commercial real estate industry. Through national, state, and local service on committees and boards For the realtor association and CCIM institute, he has given countless hours of time to support professional standards and the success of the organization.
— Kim Paugh, Executive Director of the Indiana Commercial Board of Realtors.
Randy. on behalf of myself, my wife Kim Baker who is also a broker of CCIM, and on behalf of all the members of the Indiana Commercial Board of realtors I’d like to say how proud of you that we are, that you are the first person within our board to ever be selected the state realtor of the year. Randy this is an honor that’s well-earned by you and we congratulate you, and Jill, and your family, and all those that are associated with you. God bless you and I hope for many more good years for you.
—Jim Baker, Immediate past Executive Director of the Indiana Commercial Board of Realtors.